
When it comes to selecting the right Release of Information partner, there are so many details to consider. Cost, staffing capabilities, customer service, quality assurance, compliance and security are all important pieces to consider when reviewing your options. In addition, the experience between the time you sign a contract to when you become fully operational with the ROI vendor can be crucial to a successful partnership.

A smooth onboarding process sets the tone for your relationship with the vendor and can give you confidence in your ongoing arrangement. When searching for the right partner to process and manage your organization’s medical records, it’s helpful to review these three aspects of their onboarding process.

First, consider the communication the vendor provides during onboarding. Strong communication influences every step of the transition process and is critical to getting your operations functioning correctly before “going live.” Ask the ROI vendor what sort of communication your team should expect during the transition phase. Will they provide a designated point of contact to as a project manager? What sort of status updates can you expect to receive? How will they communicate when working through any hiccups? Make sure to get a solid idea of what the potential partner’s communication looks like during onboarding so you can rest assured they’ll set you up for operational success.

Secondly, an effective Release of Information partner can provide an idea of the onboarding process before you even sign a contract. Request an outline of a typical implementation plan, including the point person for each stage and a timeline for key milestones. The potential partner should be able to share a general project plan they use to get medical record management operations for hospitals and health systems like yours up and running.

The third important onboarding component to understand when selecting the right Release of Information vendor is finding a partner that helps your team stay on track. While you can expect your ROI vendor to take care of the heavy lifting involved in the transition process, there will be tasks or information they’ll need from your team to facilitate IT connections and other aspects of ongoing medical record management. An effective onboarding process will hold you, the client, accountable for these duties. When vetting a potential partner, ask what they expect from their client partners during the onboarding process. If they say “nothing,” that may be a sign that they struggle with communication or don’t have a clear project plan. The right partner will be able to identify key areas that need your team’s support to facilitate onboarding.

Reviewing the onboarding process with your potential Release of Information vendor can provide valuable insight into the future success of your partnership. Use these ideas as a starting point to gather the information you need to make the best decision for your organization.

ScanSTAT understands the importance of a positive onboarding experience. Whether you’re looking to create efficiencies with Release of Information, inbound document management, or any other medical record management service, you can expect ScanSTAT’s transition process to set you up for success. Contact us today to start the conversation about how we can make this easier for your team.

About ScanSTAT Technologies 

ScanSTAT makes it easier for hospitals, health care systems, and medical practices to manage health information. Whether you are considering making a complete transition or supplementing your in-house Release of Information and Health Information Management operations, we can help. We place as much importance on privacy, security, and customer service as you do. We can assume the HIPAA liability involved in transferring information and removing the burden of reporting from your staff or supporting it as needed. 

Contact us at scanstat.com/demo to learn how you can leverage ScanSTAT experts to support your ROI and HIM needs. 

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